Érdeklődési terület

Jelenlegi és korábbi kutatási témák:

  • Hidrodinamika a nagyenergiás nehézionfizikában
  • Az erős kölcsönhatás fázisdiagramja
  • Bose-Einstein korrelációk, femtoszkópia
  • Kis impulzusátadású folyamatok a részecskefizikában
  • Neutrongazdag atommagok Coulomb-felhasadása (2005-06, MSU)
  • Egybuborékos szonolumineszcencia (2002-03, ELTE)

Ismeretterjesztő cikkek:

Felvételek, interjúk:

Kapcsolódó hírek:

Nemzetközi kísérleti együttműködések, kapcsolatok


Feladatok, projektek, egyebek:

  • Azonosított részecskék korrelációinak mérése
  • Az elliptikus folyás skálázásának vizsgálata
  • Ultra periférikus ütközések vizsgálata
  • A PHENIX Zero Degree Calorimeter szoftvereinek írása és fejlesztése
  • PHENIX-Magyarország weboldal
  • PHENIX Who Is Who

Publikáció-előkészítés, ellenőrzés:

  • PPG232: "Centrality dependent Levy-stable two-pion Bose-Einstein correlations in sqrt(s_NN) = 200 GeV Au+Au collisions"
  • PPG221: "Pseudorapidity dependence of particle production and elliptic flow in small nuclear collisions of p+Al, p+Au, d+Au, and 3He+Au at sqrt(s_NN) = 200 GeV" [arXiv:1807.11928]
  • PPG216: "Measurements of triangular anisotropy in p/d+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 200 GeV" [arXiv:1805.02973]
  • PPG194: "Measurement of Levy HBT correlation functions in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 200 GeV" [arXiv:1709.05649]
  • PPG081: "Photoproduction of J/psi and of high mass e+e- in ultra-peripheral Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 200 GeV" [arXiv:0903.2041]
  • PPG076: "Source breakup dynamics in Au+Au Collisions at sqrt(s_NN)" [arXiv:0712.4372]
  • PPG062: "Scaling properties of azimuthal anisotropy in Au+Au and Cu+Cu collisions at sqrt(s_NN)=200 GeV" [nucl-ex/0608033]
  • PPG052: "Evidence for a long-range component in the pion emission source in Au+Au Collisions at sqrt(s_NN)=200 GeV" [nucl-ex/0605032]

Analízis jegyzetek:

  • an1426: "Finalized centrality dependent Lévy HBT analysis in \sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200 GeV Au+Au collisions", Mate Csanad, Tamas Csorgo, Sandor Lokos, Wesley Metzger, Marton Nagy
  • an1404: "Measurement and analysis of three-pion HBT correlations for 0-30% Centrality in 200 GeV AuAu collisions", Mate Csanad, Bálint Kurgyis
  • an1355: "Collision energy dependence of two-pion HBT correlations in AuAu collisions", Mate Csanad, Daniel Kincses, Marton Nagy
  • an1351: "Measurement and Levy analysis of three-dimensional HBT correlations in 200 GeV AuAu collisions", Mate Csanad, Bálint Kurgyis, Marton Nagy
  • an1315: "Model dependence of lambda(mT) with modified in-medium eta' mass", M. Csanád, T. Csörgő
  • an1313: "Cross-check of partial coherence models versus two-pion Bose-Einstein correlation measurement", M. Csanád, T. Csörgő
  • an1299: "Change the MinBias data to 0-30% centrality data in the Levy HBT analysis of PPG194", M. Csanád, S. Lökös, M. Nagy
  • an1291: "Centrality dependence of the Levy HBT parameters in 200 GeV Au+Au collisions", M. Csanád, S. Lökös, M. Nagy
  • an1288: "Measurement and analysis of three-pion HBT correlations in Run-10 AuAu 200 GeV collisions", A. Bagoly, M. Csanád
  • an1286: "Measurement and analysis of two-pion HBT correlations in AuAu collisions at \sqrt{s_{NN}} = 15, 19, 27, 39, and 62 GeV", M. Csanád, D. Kincses, M. Nagy
  • an1284: "Centrality dependence addendum to PPG194", M. Csanád, S. Lökös, M. Nagy
  • an1276: "Model independent analysis of nearly Levy correlations in Run-10 200 GeV minimum bias Au+Au reactions", M. Csanád, T. Csörgő, D. Kincses, Wesley Metzger, M. Nagy, T. Novak
  • an1244: "Measurement and analysis of two-pion HBT correlations in Run-10 AuAu 200 GeV collisions", M. Csanád, T. Csörgő, D. Kincses, M. Nagy
  • an920: "General methodology checks of Levy fits to correlation functions", M. Csanád
  • an846: "Search for squeezed back-to-back correlations in sqrt{s_NN}=200 GeV Au+Au collisions (Run-4)", M. Csanád, T. Csörgő, M. Nagy
  • an756: "Final results on photoproduction of Jpsi and high-mass dielectron pairs in Ultra-Peripheral Au-Au Collisions at 200 GeV", Z. Conesa del Valle, Y. Akiba, M. Chiu, M. Csanad, D. d'Enterria, R. Granier de Cassagnac, J. Nystrand, D. Silvermyr, S. White
  • an593: "Analysis of incoherent J/Psi production and coherent e+- continuum production in ultra-peripheral collisions", Mickey Chiu, M. Csanád, David D'Enterria, Joakim Nystrand, David Silvermyr, Sebastian White
  • an527: "Analyzing heavy tails in pion source function", M. Csanád, T. Csörgő, M. Nagy, R. Vertesi
  • an436: "Addendum to the two- and three-particle correlations analysis note (about the error of the Coulomb-correction)", M. Csanád, T. Csörgő, A. Ster
  • an404: "Two- and three-particle correlations analysis note", M. Csanád, T. Csörgő, A. Ster
  • tn419: "Online Monitoring System for the PHENIX ZDC and SMD", M. Csanád

LHC TOTEM (2008-2016)

Feladatok, projektek:

  • Adatkiolvasó és megfigyelő szoftverek fejlesztése
  • Rapiditáseloszlások vizsgálata
  • Proton-mag ütközések elemzése
  • TOTEM-Magyarország weboldal

LHC CMS (2013-)

Feladatok, projektek:

  • ZDC detektor szoftverek fejlesztése
  • Bose-Einstein korrelációk vizsgálata

Analízis jegyzetek:

Publikáció-előkészítés, ellenőrzés:

  • HIN-23-012 "Charged-particle angular correlations in PbPb collisions at 5.36 TeV " (ARC member), under preparation
  • HIN-23-011 "An overview of the experimental high-density QCD studies with the CMS experiment at the LHC Runs 1 and 2" (Section contributor), [arXiv:2405.10785]
  • HIN-23-003 "Extracting the speed of sound in the strongly-interacting matter created in relativistic nuclear collisions" (Inst. reviewer), [arXiv:2401.06896]
  • HIN-22-001 "Differential multiplicity studies on B+ Production in pPb collisions at 8.16 TeV " (Inst. reviewer), [arXiv:2407.05402]
  • HIN-21-017 "Multiplicity and transverse momentum dependence of charge balance function in pPb and PbPb collisions" (Inst. reviewer), [arXiv:2307.11185]
  • HIN-21-011 "Measurement and analysis of two-particle HBT correlations and their Levy parameters in 5.02 TeV PbPb collisions" (Author team), [arXiv:2306.11574]
  • HIN-21-006 "K0S and Lambda(Lambdabar) two-particle femtoscopic correlations in PbPb collisions at 5.02 TeV" (Review, discussions) [arXiv:2301.05290]
  • HIN-21-005 "Measurement of exclusive Upsilon photoproduction in pPb collision at 8.16 TeV" (ARC member), under preparation
  • HIN-21-002 "Azimuthal anisotropy of dijet events in PbPb collisions at 5.02 TeV" (ARC member) [arXiv:2210.08325]
  • SMP-20-007 "Study of double parton scattering in inclusive 4-jet production in proton-proton collisions at low transverse momentum at 13 TeV" (ARC member) [arXiv:2109.13822]
  • SMP-19-006 "Jet-gap-jet events (CMS) and proton-gap-jet-gap-jet events (CMS-TOTEM) at 13 TeV" (ARC member) [arXiv:2102.06945]
  • HIN-19-014 "Observation of forward neutron-multiplicity dependence of di-muon acoplanarity in ultra-peripheral Pb + Pb collisions at 5.02 TeV" (Inst. reviewer) [arXiv:2011.05239]
  • HIN-19-004 "Strange particle collectivity in pPb and PbPb" (ARC member) [arXiv:2205.00080]
  • HIN-18-020 "Measurement on the b-jet shapes in pp collision at 5 TeV" (Inst. reviewer) [arXiv:2005.14219]
  • FSQ-18-001 "Measurement of the multiplicity dependence of the very forward energy at 13 TeV" (Inst. reviewer) [arXiv:1908.01750]
  • HIN-17-005 "Measurement of charged particle mixed higher order flow harmonics and nonlinear response coefficients in PbPb collisions" (Inst. reviewer) [arXiv:1910.08789]
  • FSQ-15-009 "Bose-Einstein correlations at 13TeV" (Author team) [arXiv:1910.08815]

RHIC STAR (2019-)

Feladatok, projektek:

  • EPD detektor szimulációs szoftverek fejlesztése
  • Bose-Einstein korrelációk vizsgálata
  • HEPdata shift koordináció
  • STAR-Magyarország weboldal


  • GPC #362 "Femtoscopy of Light Nuclei and Baryon Interactions in 3 GeV Au+Au Collisions at RHIC" [] (GPC chair)
  • GPC #360 "Temperature Measurement of Quark-Gluon Plasma at Different Stages" [arXiv:2402.01998] (Inst. reviewer)
  • GPC #356 "Measurement of directed flow in Au+Au collisions at √sNN =19.6 and 27 GeV with the STAR Event Plane Detector [arXiv:2406.18213] (Inst. review and simulations)
  • GPC #346 "Imaging the shape of atomic nuclei in high-energy nuclear collisions: a demonstration with Uranium-238" [arXiv:2401.06625] (Collaboration commenter)
  • GPC #342 "Collision-energy Dependence of Deuteron Cumulants and Proton-deuteron Correlations in Au+Au collisions at RHIC" [arXiv:2304.10993] (Inst. reviewer)
  • GPC #336 "Energy Dependence of Intermittency for Charged Particle in Au+Au collisions at RHIC" [arXiv:2301.11062] (GPC chair)
  • GPC #323 "Tomography of Ultra-relativistic Nuclei with Polarized Photon-gluon Collisions" [arXiv:2204.01625] (Collaboration commenter)
  • GPC #315 "Investigation of the beam-energy dependence of the linear and mode-coupled flow harmonics" [arXiv:2211.11637] (Inst. reviewer)
  • GPC #313 "Measurement of inclusive electrons from open heavy-flavor hadron decays in p+p collisions at 200 GeV with the STAR detector" [arXiv:2109.13191] (Inst. reviewer)
  • GPC #308 "Charge-dependent correlations in Au+Au 27 GeV collisions to search for the Chiral Magnetic Effect at lower energy" [arXiv:2209.03467] (GPC member)
  • GPC #284 "Net-proton number fluctuations and the Quantum Chromodynamics critical point" [arXiv:2001.02852] (Collaboration commenter)
  • GPC #273 "Flow and interferometry results from Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN) = 4.5 GeV" [arXiv:2007.14005] (Inst. reviewer)
  • GPC #272 "Beam energy dependence of net-Lambda fluctuations measured by the STAR experiment at RHIC" [arXiv:2001.06419] (Inst. reviewer)
  • GPC #264 "Beam energy dependence of (anti-)deuteron production in Au+Au collisions at RHIC" [arXiv:1903.11778] (GPC member)
  • GPC #256 "Search for the Chiral Magnetic Wave with anisotropic flow of identified particles at RHIC" [arXiv:2210.14027] (Inst. reviewer)



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