Number of papers: | 1135 (1032 refereed) |
Number of citations: | 82214 (44244 independent) |
H-factor from all citations: | 137 |
H-factor from indep. citations: | 96 |
Total impact factor: | 5496.805 |
Number of papers of the last 2 years: | 724 |
Number of citations to papers of the last 2 years: | 36100 (18037 independent) |
Total impact factor of papers the last 2 years: | 3669.465 |
Number of papers of the last 5 years: | 946 |
Number of citations to papers of the last 5 years: | 58185 (28897 independent) |
Total impact factor of papers the last 5 years: | 4788.153 |
Number of papers with <15 authors and collaboration papers with direct contributions: | 109 (78 refereed) |
Cites to these papers: | 3140 (1859 independent) |
Number of papers with >50 authors: | 1023 (951 refereed) |
Cites to these papers: | 79039 (42367 independent) |
Number of papers as first author: | 51 |
Number of single authored papers: | 18 |